Alaina Miller appreciates Ted Muzinga, Tracy Mayer & Ben Randall-Schuh
May 31, 2023
ELA: Alaina, tell us about what Ted, Tracy & Ben did that you specifically appreciate.
- Ted- He really elevated BVAQ (Black Voices at Quartz) ERG by becoming more strategic while building up the two other Co-Chairs when he transitioned out.
- Tracy- She is a HUGE advocate for the LGBTQ+ community as well as always open to any form of intersectionality. She contributed to a Black History article for Black History Month with BVAQ ERG, and collaboration of a Pride Walk with Blended ERG. She has seen the LGBTQ+ ERG almost diminish, but she stood firm and strong, gaining a new co-chair and more members. Her perseverance does not go unnoticed.
- Ben- Military Service Member ERG has had tremendous member growth, engagement, and successfully getting a flag at Rimrock with a honorable Flag Ceremony to include a local VFW 1318 whom attended and participated in the ceremony.
ELA: What impact did Ted, Tracy & Ben have on you with this specific action?
- Ted- He helped me elevate as a Co-Chair of the BVAQ ERG and enhanced my leadership skills.
- Tracy- She helped me continue intersectionality between the BVAQ and LGBTQ+ ERGs as well as promoting intersectionality amongst other ERGs at Quartz.
- Ben- He helped me not only connect other ERGs within Quartz, but also include those in the community in events. My husband whom is a veteran was able to participate in the Flag Ceremony thanks to Ben.
ELA: What impact did this have on others?
- Ted- Has paved the foundation for the following possible Co-Chairs/Chairs of BVAQ to successfully lead.
- Tracy- There is now an Allies of LGBTQ+ ERG as well as more intersectionality amongst other ERGs at Quartz.
- Ben- He has elevated others to become Co-Chairs in the Military Service Members ERG, encouraged member growth, as well as intersectionality by working with the facilities department in creating Veteran/Active Duty and Expecting Mothers Parking spots.
ELA: Why was this action unique or especially challenging to accomplish?
- Ted- BVAQ ERG was created in the wake of George Floyd with no foundation, when the previous chair left the organization Ted stepped up with no hesitation and really grew the ERG.
- Tracy- Tracy's personality and heart really shines through her hard work, she is natural at being a leader as well as bringing a space of belonging for all.
- Ben- Military Service Member ERG was a bit smaller the year before, but with Ben's dedication and perseverance there has been tremendous growth, engagement from participants, as well as successful events.
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